El Muro-pantalla proveerá a la ciudad de Pekín con el primer lugar dedicado al arte digital, ofreciendo a la vez el ejemplo más radical de tecnología sostenible aplicada a la totalidad de un edificio hasta la fecha. El edificio se abrirá al público el 24 de junio de 2008, con un programa comisionado especialmente de instalaciones de vídeo y actuaciones en vivo de artistas de China, Europa y los EE.UU.
GreenPIX is a groundbreaking project applying sustainable and digital media technology to the curtain wall of Xicui entertainment complex in Beijing. It was designed by Simone Giostra & partners along with ARUP and is located near the site of the 2008 Olympic Games. Featuring the largest color LED display worldwide and the first photovoltaic system integrated into a glass curtain wall in China, the building performs as a self-sufficient organic system, harvesting solar energy by day and using it to illuminate the screen after dark, mirroring a day’s climatic cycle.
The Media Wall will provide the city of Beijing with its first venue dedicated to digital media art, while offering the most radical example of sustainable technology applied to an entire building’s envelope to date. The building will open to the public on June 24, 2008, with a specially commissioned program of video installations and live performances by artists from China, Europe and the US.
Para más información / For further information :
Simone Giostra & Partners.
© Photos courtesy of GreenPIX.org
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es un sony??
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