Goodwin nació en Sydney en 1953. Estudió Arquitectura en la University of New South Wales, después una larga estancia en Europa entre 1974 y 1976, comenzó a participar en performance art. Eventualmente regresó a sus estudios pero al final practicó la arquitectura convencional sólo brevemente antes de pasar a la escultura. Desde entonces, ha tenido numerosas exposiciones en grupo y solo.
Goodwin ahora trabaja principalmente como un pintor y escultor, y ha hecho un nombre como uno de los más conocidos e importantes artistas que trabajan en el dominio público en Sydney.
*Goodwin was born in Sydney in 1953. He studied Architecture at the University of New South Wales, after having a long stay in Europe between 1974 and 1976, he began to engage in performance art. He did eventually return to his studies, but in the end, practiced conventional architecture only briefly before turning to sculpture. Since then, he has held numerous solo and group exhibitions.
Goodwin now works primarily as a painter and sculptor, he has made a name as one of the most well-known and significant artists working in the public domain in Sydney.
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